Mountain Meals on Wheels

Mountain Meals on Wheels (MMOW) is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization.  We arrange for and deliver meals to persons who are unable to prepare or shop for their meals due to illness, convalescence or frailty.  We deliver meals to San Bernardino mountain communities; stretching from Cedar Pines Park/Valley of Enchantment on the west, to Green Valley Lake on the east.

Meals are provided five days a week (Monday through Friday), 52 weeks a year with only a few exceptions:  major holidays and severe snow days.

We purchase nutritionally balanced meals from Mountains Community Hospital in Lake Arrowhead. We ask recipients to pay a nominal fee for their meals.  Those unable to afford the meals may qualify for a subsidy.

Mountain Meals on Wheels is an all-volunteer organization relying solely on our local community and charitable organizations for donations.  We do not receive any federal or governmental grants or funding.

We have a great team of volunteer drivers delivering the meals daily.  In addition, our drivers can provide an occasional check-up on the welfare of our home-bound recipients.


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